Ammon has changed from a Business Suit and tie to scrubs and operating tools. Well not entirely. He has to wear the Shirt and tie until he can convince someone to let him in the operating room with them as they use the medical device he has sold them for spinal surgery. He has gone to school and training for about three months with hands on to learn how to use the medical devices for back surgery. He has gone through a cadaver and many other things as part of his training. Again nothing comes without sacrifice. He is already working in Az. He has the whole state of Az for this company. Brooke is in Ky until they can sell their house. Ammon is staying with Bill's parents until it is time to buy a house and settle in with his little family. Brooke is a trooper keeping up with three very active and intense little kids day in and day out by herself. They are a great team and feel like it will bless their family to not have Ammon traveling so extensively and doing something he loves. Here's his new look.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Ammon Has a New Job
Posted by PRESIDENT AND SISTER WOODS at 7:54 PM 0 comments
Nate Leaves for Iraq

Posted by PRESIDENT AND SISTER WOODS at 6:47 PM 0 comments
Sunday, April 5, 2009
My 89 Year Old Dad
Posted by PRESIDENT AND SISTER WOODS at 1:30 AM 1 comments
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Reflections of Christ Fireside and Concert

Posted by PRESIDENT AND SISTER WOODS at 4:25 PM 0 comments
Monday, February 2, 2009
Our Visit with Elder and Sister Kikuchi
We spent a faith filled week with Elder and Sister Kikuchi. They are so delightful!! Sister Kikuchi taught me that you can communicate much love and faith without saying alot of words. Those that know me can understand that that might be a novel thought. Elder Kikuchi changed our hearts forever with his faith and helping us understanding that the powers of Heaven our ours for the asking hour by hour. That with an eye of faith we can do ALL things within the will of the Father that we have the faith to do. He taught our missionaries that the morning schedule of getting up and having personal study is more than just being obedient. He shared with them that they can have a "personal sacred grove" experience every morning as they have sacred holy fellowship with God and Jesus Christ. He promised them that the Book of Mormon is the greatest source of God's love that we have. He promised them that if they would drink deeply every day from this fountain of "living Water " and partake of the"Tree of Life " they would be permeated with God's love and that it would come from their eyes, their faces, and they would not have any fear of declaring His word because "perfect love casteth out all fear." He taught them that if they would slow waaaay down when they shared Joseph Smith's experience in his own words, the spirit would have a chance to teach and testify. He said most of us go about 80 MPH He wanted it at 15-20MPH. When the missionaries were able to do it , it was amazing the difference in the spirit we all felt. We feel like we have been pouring gasoline on our mission and he just came in and LIT THE FIRE. He said he feels that if we can work with faith and use the tools he gave us we will not experience a hurricane this year but a spiritual tsunami. I agree with him. We are already experiencing miracles and added power in our missionaries. We are so blessed to be part of this amazing work.
Posted by PRESIDENT AND SISTER WOODS at 11:54 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Time to Catch up
Hi everyone, I just thought I would catch you up a bit on our mission life. We had very quiet Christmas. We slept in until 10:00 don't tell our missionaries:) got up packed up some baskets, and visited several investigators. It was fun. WE really don't have time to do that as much as we would like and spent the rest of the day talking to our family. We have had a huge transfer, of thirteen coming and going. That is like fruit basket turn over. It was little hairy because 3 days before transfers our little office elder ( who is so responsible ) totaled our mission van . The miracle is that NOONE was hurt. It was a five care accident and not one person was hurt even thought the whole front of the Van was peeled all the way up. He was pretty shook up because he is so careful. It was just one of those things. We just had our week of Zone leader council and New Missionary training. After our new missionaries have been out for a week to 10 days we bring them back in with their trainers. They all come here to the mission home and we hear how they are doing them and then catch them up to speed with our member work , and expectations. WE share testimony and instruct them on spiritual matters. WE usually have 30-35 for lunch. This time we had Lasagna, salad, french bread and better than sex pie for desert. Dad couldn't wait to tell them what it was called. Nothing like a little shock value. WE have a really good group of missionaries. WE almost have all of our mission young enough that we don't have any left over "attitudes " from the old way of doing things. WE are gearing up for "Reflections of Christ". Mark is bringing it here to Baton Rouge on the 8th . He is doing a fireside that night as a kick off. At th closing of hte exhibit on th 19 we are having Alex Boye of the Tabernacle Choir with the musicians that arranged and wrote the music for the exhibit are coming to do a concert. The news paper here in Baton Rouge interviewed me today and they are doing a big story on the exhibit. I know we are going to see some fruit from this effort. Elder Kukuchi of the seventy and his wife will be arriving tomorrow for five days for a mission tour. He is doing three zone conferences with us. I am so excited for our missionaries. It will give them such a boost. Elder Neil Anderson came for an over nighter Saturday night. He was in Atlanta for meetings and called and said he wanted to just come and spend the evening with us He was in the mission field with Bill.It was so thoughtful of him to take his time and energy to come. It was a nice visit. The Lakes our wonderful Senior couple that has worked miracles in New Orleans has gone home a few months early due to some business concerns. WE miss them. They have become our dear friends. WE are already planning our home coming cruise. Well I have to say that we love love love Louisiana. and we love love love missionary work. It is a privilege to be in a calling where you see the hand of the Lord so plainly everyday in your life and in the work and miracles that take place. Bill is doing a great job with our missionaries. All of you kids did a great job preparing him. He pretty much has their number, but he also has the patience of Jobe . He has turned quite a few around and they are now having a successful experience. That is one of our main objectives . To help these elders and sisters have as spiritually rich of a mission experience as they can . We want them to know that they can invoke the powers of Heaven on themselves and the people they serve if they will exercise their faith and do as the Apostles of old did "and straightway drop their nets and follow Him." Have a wonderful week and Open your mouth and share one thing you love about the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ with a non member.
Posted by PRESIDENT AND SISTER WOODS at 12:08 AM 0 comments
Saturday, December 6, 2008
We had a great Thanksgiving. Sarah and Glen were able to come the Friday before Thanksgiving which gave us time to visit and enjoy some one on one with them since we had not really seen them since their honeymoon. We had a new batch of missionaries come in on Tuesday and Glen and Sarah were so much help getting ready. They helped get the meal on while I was instructing. It was so fun to have them share this experience with us. Sam came that night and the next morning at Breakfast, Bill had he and Glen talk to the new elders about companion ships since they were companions in the mission field. They did a great job. Brig, Nathan, Marie and their kids had joined us by Wednesday night. Thanksgiving day was spent cooking and playing with the kids. Nathan went with Bill to be the interpreter for a second interview for baptism. Our dinner was delicious thanks to Marie and all of her great recipes. She taught us how to put the turkey in a "brine" the night before so it was so juice and moist. That night the kids surprised us with an ice cream cake for Bill and my birthdays and a little video of everyone in the family telling us "one thing" they liked about us which is our family tradition. It was of effort and such a fun surprise. The next day we all went on a swamp tour on an air boat. It was a hoot. We saw 10-12. alligators. We learned a lot about the swamps and at the end the kids were able to hold a baby alligator. That night we played games with our competitive group, but the competition is really between Bill and Marie. She manages to always beat Bill at everything which doesn't happen very often. Saturday we slept in a bit, made Marie's famous cookies and got Nate and Marie on their way home. After they were off we went to the "Laura Plantation" where you really get an understanding of the Creole culture of Louisiana. We met Bill for dinner where we introduced everyone to fried alligator and other yummy Louisiana food. Bill got up at 4:30 AM to get everyone to New Orleans to catch their flight home so he could be home in time for us to leave at 7:30 to go to Covington to speak in Sacrament Meeting at 9:00. As much a I love this missionary work and all that goes with it I remembered how happy and content I am when I am with my family. Thank you everyone for making the effort to be with us we are good to go for a while longer.
Posted by PRESIDENT AND SISTER WOODS at 7:43 AM 2 comments